Puzzle Box Academy-Rockledge Location

Rockledge, FL Location

Top Alternative Learning Academy providing Early Intervention, Pre-K, and Transitional Kindergarten to First Grade in Rockledge Florida

Early Intervention Programming And Pre-Kindergarten Through TK1 In Rockledge, Florida

Supporting Rockledge families with educational experiences for exceptional and developmentally delayed children.

Your Early Intervention Partner

As a parent raising a child living with developmental delays, you’re familiar with providing your child with the best possible quality of life. Our Rockledge location specializes in helping children receive high-quality intervention as early as possible. Early intervention ensures your child develops with their peers and becomes their best self.

We also believe that money shouldn’t be a barrier to your child’s education. We accept funding from various scholarship programs to ensure your child receives the expert academic and social programming needed to reach their full potential.

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